Lightning Datatable

In this blog we will discuss how to fetch records from Salesforce Objects and display it using lightning datatable.

  • Let us create a LWC component and edit the meta file to make the component visible in the AppPage
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">
  • The HTML file will have a lightning-datatable which will fetch the value from the Javascript.
        <template if:true={contactsDisplayed}>
            data ={contactsDisplayed}
        <template if:true={error}>
            <p>Error Occured : {error}</p>
  • The lightning-datatable takes three attribute

    Key-field = "id" : This will be used to differentiate records based on ID.

    data ={contactsDisplayed} : fething the data from the javascript.

    columns={columns} : It helps us to set the column heading and field values to be displayed.

  • In order to fetch the records from Contact object we need to take the help of Apex Class so we will create an Apex Class name - ContactHelper.

  • Create an @AuraEnabled method which will return a List<Contact>

public with sharing class contactHelper {
    @AuraEnabled(cacheable = true)
    public static List<Contact> getContact(){
        try {
            return [select id , name , phone from Contact];
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());
  • We will call the above Apex Class method in Javascript file.

-In the Javascript file firstly we will set the column definition

const COLUMNS =[
    {label:'Contact Name', fieldName:'Name'},

The label describes what column header will be displayed and fieldName will have the field-api-name

we will create a @track column property and store the COLUMNS array created. In the HTML markup you can see that we have called this @track column property as an attribute in <lightning-datatable>

-Let us now import our ContactHelper apex class method using the import statement. import getContacts from '@salesforce/apex/contactHelper.getContact';

-We will pass the getContacts in the wire adapter method as a parameter which will return List<Contact>.

            this.contactsDisplayed = data;
            this.error = error;
  • Complete Javascript Code:
import { LightningElement ,track , wire} from 'lwc';
import getContacts from '@salesforce/apex/contactHelper.getContact';

const COLUMNS =[
    {label:'Contact Name', fieldName:'Name'},

export default class DisplayContacts extends LightningElement {
    @track columns = COLUMNS;
    @track contactsDisplayed;
    @track error;
            this.contactsDisplayed = data;
            this.error = error;

contact datatble .jpg